Question: Whats The reality and power of naqshbandi taweez?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the reality and power of the Naqshbandi taweez are profound and rooted in immense spiritual realities. The Naqshbandi taweez is a reality given by the heavens, by permission of Allah (AJ) through the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad (ﷺ) to awliyaullah for protection against extreme unseen negativities.
The taweez emits a light that is unseen to us, but it repels and burns the beings of extreme unseen negativities, protecting the wearer. It is likened to a banner given to saints who are marching into the presence of the Prophet (ﷺ) like an army. This signifies the immense spiritual protection and support it provides to those who wear it.
The Naqshbandi taweez is not just a physical object; it carries immense spiritual power and blessings. It is a means of protection and a source of divine light that repels negativity and connects the wearer to the spiritual support of the Prophet (ﷺ) and the saints.
May Allah (ﷻ) grant us the understanding and the ability to benefit from the immense spiritual realities and blessings of the Naqshbandi taweez. Ameen.
It’s important to remember that the taweez is a means of spiritual protection and connection, and it should be worn with sincerity and faith in Allah’s (ﷻ) divine protection.
And may you be blessed with the love of the Prophet (ﷺ), perfect character, and the ability to be of service to the Tariqa and others. Ameen.

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Muhammadan way Haqqaaiqs
SubhanAllah MashAllah 🌹