Question: Alsalamualaikum, what are the 6 powers of the heart?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah... Wa alaikum assalam. The six powers of the heart, according to the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), are profound spiritual realities that are opened upon the Awliya (saints) when they are accompanied. These powers are part of the spiritual journey and transformation that takes place when one is on the path of purification and enlightenment.
The six powers of the heart are associated with the opening of the six lataifs (subtle energy points) of the heart. These lataifs represent different spiritual qualities and attributes that are awakened and perfected as the seeker progresses on the path of spirituality. The six powers of the heart are:
1. Haqqiqatul Juzba (Reality of Attraction)
2. Haqqiqatul Faidh (Reality of Downpouring)
3. Haqqiqatul Tawajju (Reality of Focusing)
4. Haqqiqatul Tawassul (Reality of Intercession)
5. Two other powers that are not explicitly mentioned in the provided content.
These powers are deeply intertwined with the seeker’s spiritual journey and the opening of the heart to the Divine presence. They represent the transformative process that takes place within the heart as it becomes a receptacle for Divine knowledge, wisdom, and guidance.
May Allah (ﷻ) bless you on your spiritual journey and enable you to embody these powers of the heart in your pursuit of closeness to Him and His Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Remember to always seek knowledge with sincerity and humility, and to apply it with wisdom and compassion.

ZikrCircles Smc
SubhanAllah, Immense realties✨Thank you Sayyidi🙏🏼🌹
Faisal Malik
Sayyidi please have nazar so that our lataif & 6 powers may open.