Question: What does being in the dress of your shaykh mean?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), being in the dress of your shaykh means to adopt the character, conduct, and spiritual demeanor of your shaykh. It involves aligning your own will with the will of your shaykh and submitting yourself to their guidance. Just as a mirror reflects the image before it, being in the dress of your shaykh means to reflect their teachings, manners, and spiritual state.
When you are in the dress of your shaykh, you are essentially emulating their example in your thoughts, actions, and behavior. This entails leaving your natural will and submitting to the will of your shaykh, allowing them to guide you through the path of spiritual development. It involves training yourself through worship and striving to reach a state of complete self-effacement, where your own desires and inclinations are in harmony with the teachings and guidance of your shaykh.
Furthermore, being in the dress of your shaykh also means to carry yourself with dignity, respect, and good character, just as your shaykh would. It involves embodying the teachings and guidance of your shaykh in your daily life, interactions, and spiritual practices.
In essence, being in the dress of your shaykh is a profound spiritual state where you strive to reflect the noble qualities, conduct, and teachings of your shaykh in your own being. May Allah (ﷻ) grant us the ability to embody the beautiful characteristics of our shaykh and to be of service to the Tariqa and others.
And may Allah (ﷻ) elevate us through this spiritual journey and grant us the strength to perfect our character and conduct. Ameen.

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