Question: Awliyaullah Absorb Our Burdens and Burn Them Away
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Shaykh Nojan Mirahmadi Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the Awliyaullah have a unique ability to absorb the burdens of their students and purify them. They breathe in the light through their hearts, purify it, and exhale it out, cleansing the contamination that comes upon the students. This process happens with every breath they take, purifying the light within their hearts because they possess a Muhammadan heart, granted by Allah from the reality of their heart.
The Awliyaullah are like the sun in our galaxy, which takes in waste and uses it as fuel to emit light. Similarly, they absorb the burdens and negativity from their students and filter them, just as the sun filters waste to produce light. This process is a manifestation of the verse “We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth” (Quran 41:53).
When the souls of the Awliyaullah are passing, a good fragrance is smelled, indicating their purity and spiritual elevation. They fragrance and perfume themselves through their spiritual practices and connection to Allah. Their souls can be everywhere and anywhere Allah wants them to be, emitting a beautiful light that purifies and uplifts those around them.
The Awliyaullah also teach their students to purify their own light and perfect their character. They guide them to see the beauty within everything and everyone, praising and glorifying the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, which transforms the lights of their souls. Their associations have diverse backgrounds, welcoming all who seek spiritual elevation, regardless of their past.
It is essential to trust the unseen power of the Ulul amr (saints) and connect to their energy through tafakkur (contemplation). By negating oneself and seeking the support of the Awliyaullah, one can be dressed with their light and energy, which protects and purifies the individual from negativity and burdens.
In conclusion, the Awliyaullah absorb the burdens of their students through their spiritual practices, purify them, and emit a transformative light that burns away negativity. Their teachings and practices aim to prepare individuals for the difficulties of life and connect them to the divine light and energy of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. May Allah grant us the ability to connect with the Awliyaullah and benefit from their immense blessings and guidance.
May Allah bless you with strength, wisdom, and spiritual elevation, and may you always seek the love of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, perfect your character, and be of service to the Tariqa and others. Ameen.

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