Question: Sayyidi (Q), Are Awliyaullah (Saints) and Shaykhs immense Warriors against shayateen (devils)?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the Awliyaullah and Shaykhs are indeed immense warriors against shayateen (devils). They are warriors of knowledge who engage in a fierce battle against the satanic kingdom through the propagation and dissemination of divine knowledge. This knowledge is a powerful weapon that sets people free and is a lashing against the satanic kingdom.
The pen of the Awliyaullah and Shaykhs is mightier than the sword, as it has the eternal impact of freeing souls and dressing them with divine realities. Their role is not merely to entertain, but to fight the devils within people through the powerful weapon of knowledge. They are the pens of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, and their teachings are a means of lashing and waging war against the satanic influences that besiege communities and households.
Their mission is to reach every environment and home, besieged by satanic teachings, and to bring the light of divine knowledge to dispel the darkness. The teachings of the Awliyaullah and Shaykhs are a means of liberation and protection from the harmful influences of shayateen, both within and outside of oneself.
May Allah (ﷻ) elevate the status of the Awliyaullah and Shaykhs, and may their efforts in combating the forces of darkness be blessed and successful. May we all benefit from their knowledge and be protected from the whispers of shayateen. Ameen.
It’s important to understand the immense role of the Awliyaullah and Shaykhs in combating the forces of darkness and spreading divine knowledge. May we all strive to benefit from their teachings and be protected from the influences of shayateen.

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abdullah Abbas
Salamu Alaikum Waramatullahi