Question: How to balance Duniya while being a student of spirituality?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), it is important to maintain a balanced life while being a student of spirituality. This balance involves living in the world as if it’s going to last forever, yet praying and worshipping as if the world is ending tomorrow. This means that we should work hard, fulfill our responsibilities, and pay our bills, while also striving to maintain a strong spiritual connection.
In order to achieve this balance, it’s essential to manage our time effectively. We should allocate time for our daily spiritual practices, such as zikr and meditation, while also fulfilling our worldly duties. Time management is crucial in ensuring that we can engage in both spiritual studies and worldly responsibilities without neglecting either.
Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS) emphasizes the importance of discipline and struggle in maintaining this balance. It’s about being mindful of how we spend our time and energy, ensuring that we allocate time for both our spiritual growth and our worldly obligations. This may involve waking up early for meditation, finding moments throughout the day for zikr, and being conscious of our actions and intentions.
Furthermore, it’s essential to be mindful of our physical desires and the impact they can have on our spiritual journey. Engaging in physical pleasures excessively can lead to a sickness in our spiritual path. Therefore, discipline and self-control are necessary to prevent physical desires from overtaking our spiritual pursuits.
In summary, balancing worldly life and spiritual studies requires effective time management, discipline, and a conscious effort to maintain a strong spiritual connection while fulfilling our worldly responsibilities. By striving to achieve this balance, we can progress on our spiritual path while also meeting the demands of our worldly life.
May Allah (SWT) grant you success in balancing your spiritual studies and worldly responsibilities, and may He elevate your spiritual journey. Ameen.

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