Question: The significance of celebrating the birthdays of spiritual holy people who has passed away
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), celebrating the birthdays of spiritual holy people who have passed away holds great significance in Sufi teachings. In Sufism, the remembrance and celebration of the birthdays of spiritual holy people are a means of connecting with the Divine through the spiritual blessings and barakah associated with these luminous souls.
The celebration of their birthdays is a way to honor and commemorate their spiritual legacy, teachings, and the divine light they brought into the world. It serves as a reminder of their exemplary lives, their devotion to Allah, and their embodiment of the prophetic teachings. By celebrating their birthdays, we express gratitude for the spiritual guidance they have left behind and seek to draw closer to the Divine through their blessed example.
In Sufi tradition, the birthdays of spiritual holy people are occasions for spiritual upliftment, reflection, and seeking blessings. It is a time to remember their noble qualities, seek their intercession, and emulate their piety and devotion. The spiritual connection established through such celebrations serves as a source of inspiration and guidance for those who follow their path.
Ultimately, the significance of celebrating the birthdays of spiritual holy people who have passed away lies in the opportunity it provides to deepen our spiritual connection, seek their blessings, and strive to embody the noble qualities they exemplified. May we always be inspired by their spiritual legacy and strive to walk the path of righteousness and love.
May Allah grant us the ability to honor and celebrate the spiritual luminaries who have passed away, and may their blessed souls continue to shower us with divine grace and guidance. Ameen.
And may we all be of service to the Tariqa and others, and may our character and himma be elevated through the love of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

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Alhamdulillah, Ameen

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