Question: Why does the path emphasize the cleansing of our hearing?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the emphasis on cleansing our hearing is a fundamental aspect of the spiritual path. The quality of our hearing determines our ability to walk the spiritual path. Faith does not come from the mind; it emanates from the heart of the believer. The teacher wants to see whether we will listen and obey, and struggle in that obedience until Divine support comes.
Cleansing our hearing is crucial because what we hear affects our heart and soul. Negative energies, bad sounds, gossips, and unnecessary noises have a direct effect on our hearts. The bad and vile chanting that people listen to can darken the heart and affect the soul. Therefore, the path emphasizes disciplining our physical hearing to open our spiritual hearing.
The station of knowledge, which resides in the heart, is directly connected to hearing and obeying. It’s not just about physical hearing; it’s about absorbing and acting upon what we hear. Every knowledge has to enter through the hearing, and how well we hear determines our spiritual growth.
In addition, the cleansing of our hearing is essential for receiving heavenly knowledge that nourishes our soul. The angel Gabriel establishes his light in our hearts and sends inspiration when we clean our bodies and develop ourselves as Heavenly beings.
Furthermore, the emphasis on cleansing our hearing is also related to the struggle of obedience. Obedience to something other than ourselves comes against the selfishness of the ego, and the ego is resistant to this. It requires humility and submission to the Divine, which is the ultimate goal of the spiritual path.
In conclusion, the emphasis on cleansing our hearing is vital because it directly impacts our spiritual growth, knowledge absorption, and obedience to the Divine. It is a fundamental aspect of the path to purify the heart, nourish the soul, and develop humility and submission to the Divine. May Allah bless you with the strength to cleanse your hearing and walk the spiritual path with sincerity and devotion.
And remember, the path of spirituality is also about perfecting our character and being of service to the Tariqa and others. May you find success in your spiritual journey.

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