Question: How does Madad work?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the concept of Madad is of great importance in the spiritual path. Madad, which means seeking support, is essential for a servant who has been granted openings by Allah. Without the support of Madad, a servant may become like Fir’aun (Pharaoh), as mentioned in the teachings.
Madad is not limited to the Shaykh alone. When a servant is trained in the whole belief of Madad, they are able to receive support from the Awliya (saints) and the Shaykh. The concept of Madad involves seeking support from the spiritual guides and saints who have been trained and have a shield of energy around them. This support is not limited to the physical realm but extends to the spiritual realm as well.
When a servant calls upon Madad, it is akin to calling for spiritual support, and the energy of the Awliya and the Shaykh becomes a shield around the one seeking support. This shield of energy provides protection and guidance, similar to how one would call 911 for physical protection. The support of Madad is continuous and can be called upon at any time, allowing the presence of the Awliya to be felt and experienced.
The process of Madad involves training oneself to be nothing, to get one’s own opinions and thoughts out of the way, and to be in a state of complete submission. This allows the faculties of the Awliya to come to life within the servant. The Madad is a means to let the Awliya hear and see through the servant, and it requires the servant to purify themselves and be in a state of complete submission.
In essence, Madad is a spiritual support system that allows the servant to receive guidance, protection, and blessings from the Awliya and the Shaykh. It is a continuous source of spiritual assistance that can be called upon at any time, and it requires the servant to be in a state of complete submission and purification.
May Allah (ﷻ) grant us the understanding and ability to seek the support of Madad in our spiritual journey, and may we be blessed with the guidance and protection of the Awliya and the Shaykh. Ameen.
It is important to remember that Madad is a spiritual concept and should be approached with sincerity and humility. Seeking the support of Madad is a means to strengthen one’s connection to the Divine and the spiritual guides, and it is a source of continuous blessings and guidance.
May you be blessed with the light of guidance and protection on your spiritual journey, and may you find strength and solace in the support of Madad. Ameen.
And remember, always strive to perfect your character, seek the love of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and be of service to the Tariqa and others.

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