Question: What are the dangers of modern day fashion & being trendy?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), we understand that the dangers of fast fashion and modern-day fashion brands are rooted in the love for wealth and materialism. The pursuit of fashion trends and the desire for constant consumption can lead to a preoccupation with worldly adornments, diverting one from the remembrance of Allah and the pursuit of spiritual growth.
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ warned about the dangers of excessive wealth and the love for material possessions. He likened the love for wealth and greed for power to breeding hypocrisy, and compared it to the harm caused by hungry tigers entering a fold of goats. This signifies the destructive nature of materialism and the pursuit of worldly possessions.
Furthermore, the pursuit of fashion trends can lead to extravagance, pride, and a lack of contentment. This can result in a neglect of spiritual development and a focus on outward appearances rather than inner purification. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ advised moderation in dress and condemned extravagance and pride in clothing.
In essence, the dangers of fast fashion and modern-day fashion brands lie in their potential to lead individuals away from the remembrance of Allah, towards materialism, pride, and a neglect of spiritual development. It is important for individuals to be mindful of their intentions and to prioritize spiritual growth over the pursuit of worldly adornments.
May Allah guide us to seek moderation, contentment, and spiritual growth, and may He grant us the wisdom to prioritize the remembrance of Him over the fleeting trends of this world. Ameen.
And I encourage you to have good character, high himma, and to be of service to the Tariqa and others.

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SubhanAllah – please Heart above
Fatima Zaydnab
Shukran Sayddi forgive ignorance
Faisal Malik
May Allah Almighty guide us all not to pursue these fashion trends which keep us arrogant & away from our Lord.