Question: What’s the significance of donating a well in the name of Fatima Zahra AS?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), donating a well in the name of Sayidatina Fatima al-Zahra (علیہ السلام) holds immense spiritual significance. Sayidatina Fatima al-Zahra (علیہ السلام) holds a lofty station in Islam, being the beloved daughter of the Chosen One, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
By donating a well in her name, you are not only providing a life-giving source of water to those in need, but you are also invoking her immense gaze and blessings. This act of charity and service is a means to seek her intercession and blessings, as well as to gain her immense love and attention.
The act of donating a well in her name is a reflection of the love and respect for Sayidatina Fatima al-Zahra (علیہ السلام) and her esteemed position in Islam. It is a way to honor her and seek her favor and blessings, as well as to follow in the footsteps of her noble character and service to humanity.
May this act of charity bring you closer to her and to the love of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and may it be a means of immense blessings and mercy for you and those in need. Remember to make the intention for this noble act solely for the pleasure of Allah and seeking the intercession of Sayidatina Fatima al-Zahra (علیہ السلام).
May Allah bless you and grant you success in your noble intentions and actions. Ameen.
And always remember to perfect your character, seek the love of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and be of service to others and the Tariqa.

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