Question: Expand on what Sayyidi meant by saying that this life is like a chess game?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the analogy of life being like a chess game holds deeper spiritual meanings. In this analogy, the chessboard symbolizes the hidden order of creation, with ruling elites using the black and white pieces to manipulate events and orchestrate the course of society. This signifies the seen and unseen means used by the power elites towards global domination.
The analogy also reflects the spiritual struggle within each individual. Just as in a chess game, where each piece has a specific role and moves strategically, in life, every individual is engaged in a spiritual ‘game’ of thrones. The spiritual entity that sits on the throne within us has control over our actions and choices. This entity can be understood through the analogy of Satan, Nafs (ego), and the Soul fighting for the seat of authority within us.
The deeper spiritual meaning lies in understanding that our choices and actions are influenced by these spiritual entities. When we allow our ego or negative desires to control us, we are akin to being under the influence of Satan. However, when we empower our soul and align with the Divine Will, we can govern our actions from the Divine Attributes.
Therefore, the analogy of life as a chess game serves as a reminder for individuals to be conscious of the spiritual struggle within themselves. It emphasizes the importance of empowering the soul, seeking refuge in Allah, and aligning with the Divine Will to overcome the negative influences of the ego and Satan.
In essence, the analogy encourages individuals to strive for spiritual mastery, where the soul governs from the Divine Attributes, and the choices and actions are aligned with the Divine Will. This understanding enables individuals to navigate the ‘chessboard’ of life with wisdom, consciousness, and spiritual empowerment.
May Allah (ﷻ) grant us the wisdom to understand the deeper spiritual meanings and empower our souls to align with His Divine Will. Ameen. It is essential for us to strive for spiritual mastery, perfect our character, and be of service to the Tariqa and others.

SubhanAllah – please Heart above
MashaAllah. Keep going
ZikrCircles Smc