Question: Do our actions accompany us to the grave?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), our actions indeed accompany us to the grave. The actions we perform in this world create a spiritual veil that can either separate us from our Shaykh or melt away to bring us closer to their spiritual blessings. When our actions are incorrect, this veil becomes solid and impenetrable. However, when our actions are correct and our spiritual training is sound, this veil begins to melt, allowing us to feel the spiritual energy and blessings of our Shaykh.
Every night, we are encouraged to take account of our actions and seek forgiveness for any wrongdoings. The vigilance in monitoring our behavior, ensuring that we do not harm others with our words or actions, is what truly counts in the sight of Allah. As we strive to correct our actions and seek forgiveness, the veil that separates us from the spiritual blessings of our Shaykh begins to dissipate.
Furthermore, the teachings emphasize the importance of investing in the shares of the hereafter, which include cultivating good character, engaging in acts of charity, and nurturing piety in our children. These eternal investments, such as ongoing charity (Sadaqah Jariyah) and beneficial knowledge, continue to benefit us even after we have passed away. In essence, our actions in this world not only impact our spiritual journey but also have a lasting effect beyond the grave.
May Allah (ﷻ) grant us the wisdom and strength to perform righteous actions and seek forgiveness for any wrongdoings, and may our actions continue to benefit us in this world and the hereafter. Ameen.
It’s important to remember that our actions are a reflection of our character, and we should strive to embody the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and be of service to the Tariqa and others.

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