Question: How do we keep the hudoor of our Shaykh?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), maintaining the presence (hudoor) in the company of the Shaykh is a beautiful and transformative practice. It begins with nurturing the love and connection with the Shaykh, which is denoted by a very clean and respectful love, akin to the love for pious people. This love is symbolized by green hearts and regular flowers, signifying a pure and respectful bond.
To maintain the presence of the Shaykh, one should aspire to always be in the state of meditation and yearning to be with the Shaykh. This involves a continuous effort to keep the Shaykh in one’s thoughts and actions, striving to embody good character and conduct. It also entails a daily self-assessment (muhasabah) to ensure that one’s actions and intentions are aligned with the teachings and guidance of the Shaykh.
The presence of the Shaykh is nurtured through the cultivation of good character, adherence to the Divine Law (shari’ah), and the continuous striving to uphold truth and righteousness. It’s important to remember that the light of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is attracted to goodness and truth, and it diminishes in the presence of falsehood and incorrect actions.
Furthermore, the process of maintaining the presence of the Shaykh involves deepening one’s connection through love, respect, and adherence to the teachings. This includes seeking to replicate the light of the Shaykh through one’s own actions and character, allowing the Shaykh’s light to shine through oneself.
In essence, maintaining the presence of the Shaykh requires a sincere and continuous effort to embody the teachings, love, and respect for the Shaykh, and to strive for good character and conduct in all aspects of life.
May Allah ﷻ bless you with the strength and guidance to maintain the presence of the Shaykh, and may your journey be filled with love, light, and spiritual elevation. Ameen.

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