Question: What does it mean to put our faith in action?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), putting our faith into action is deeply related to volunteering, giving food, and the concept of charity. When we engage in acts of volunteering and giving food, it is a manifestation of our faith in action. The act of giving is a means to draw closer to Allah’s (AJ) satisfaction and to feel the success, energy, nearness, and proximity to the Divine Reality.
In the context of charity, it is important to remember that the feeling of people, regardless of their religious beliefs, should not matter when it comes to feeding the poor. The act of feeding people on the street should not be influenced by their religious beliefs.
Volunteering and giving food should be done with the intention of serving humanity and spreading the love of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. It is a form of da’wah (religious propagation) in action, where our actions become evidence of the effect and benefit of the teachings of the Tariqa. By engaging in such acts, we are not only feeding people but also spreading the message of love, compassion, and faith.
Furthermore, it is important to avoid grandstanding and emphasizing oneself when engaging in such acts. Moderation is key, and the focus should be on motivating others to engage in similar acts of kindness and service. The intention behind our actions should be sincere and humble, seeking the pleasure of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
May Allah bless you with the strength to put your faith into action through volunteering, giving food, and engaging in charitable activities. May your efforts be a means of drawing closer to Allah’s satisfaction and spreading the love and compassion taught by the Tariqa. Ameen.

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