Question: Quran is reading you…
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), when it is said that “The Quran is reading you,” it implies that when we recite the Quran, the divine words and verses are acting upon us, revealing our deficiencies and guiding us. This means that the Quran has the power to reflect our inner state, bringing forth signs of spiritual lacking within us. It serves as a tool for self-reflection, inviting us to identify and address our shortcomings, ultimately guiding us towards spiritual growth and elevation. The Quran serves as a mirror, revealing the state of our hearts and souls. May Allah grant us the understanding and wisdom to benefit from the transformative guidance of the Quran. Ameen.

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