Question: Children observes what we do not what we say
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi Shaykh Nojan Mirahmadi (QS), it is emphasized that children observe and learn from our actions more than our words. In the Sufi teachings, the importance of setting a good example through actions is paramount in the upbringing of children. When trying to guide children towards the path of righteousness, it is essential to lead by example and embody the characteristics we wish to instill in them.
Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS) teaches that if we are trying to bring our children towards guidance, it is crucial that we are already on the path of guidance ourselves. By reconnecting with love and setting an example of loving character, we demonstrate to our children that we are following the right path. This paves the way for us to teach them based on this path, acknowledging our past mistakes and striving to embody good characteristics.
It is highlighted that children are deeply affected by the energies and environment around them. Negative energy and darkness can impact them significantly. Therefore, it is incumbent upon parents to create a positive and spiritually uplifting environment for their children. By practicing zikr, spiritual practices, and maintaining good character, parents can shield their children from negative energies and provide them with a protective and nurturing atmosphere.
Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS) also advises on the balance of love in parenting. While it is important to show love to children, it should be balanced with discipline and guidance. Overindulgence in love can spoil children, and therefore, it is essential to strike a balance in nurturing them with love and instilling discipline.
In conclusion, the Sufi teachings emphasize the significance of embodying good character and setting a positive example through actions in the upbringing of children. By doing so, parents can create a nurturing and spiritually uplifting environment for their children, guiding them towards the path of righteousness and love.
May Allah (ﷻ) grant you success in nurturing your children with love, guidance, and good character, and may they grow to be a source of light and blessings for the world. Ameen.

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