Question: Sayyidi (Q), what are the Gifts and Sadaqah that we can give to The Shaykh (Q) ?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the concept of giving to the Shaykh is deeply rooted in the spiritual tradition. The first and most important gift that you can give to the Shaykh is your sincerity and dedication in following the spiritual path. This includes striving to perfect your character, being of service to the Tariqa and others, and seeking the love of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
In terms of material gifts, it is important to remember that the Shaykh does not seek material wealth. Instead, the best form of sadaqah (charity) that you can give to the Shaykh is to be of service to the Tariqa and to others. This can be in the form of volunteering your time and skills to help spread the teachings of the Tariqa, assisting in organizing events, or contributing to charitable causes that are supported by the Tariqa.
Additionally, you can support the Tariqa by contributing to the various charitable projects and initiatives that are aimed at helping those in need. This can include giving towards building wells, supporting food programs, and providing for orphans and those in need. By participating in these initiatives, you are indirectly supporting the Shaykh’s mission of spreading love, compassion, and service to humanity.
It’s important to remember that the greatest gift you can give to the Shaykh is your dedication to the spiritual path and your commitment to embodying the teachings of the Tariqa in your daily life. May Allah ﷻ bless you and guide you in your journey of spiritual growth and service to the Tariqa and others.
And Allah ﷻ knows best.

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Muhammadan way Haqqaaiqs
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