Question: Describe the reality of the Naat where they say “Ask Prophet Musa (AS) what he really saw?”
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi(QS), the reality of the Naat where they say “Tell us what Prophet Musa (AS) really saw” is a profound reflection on the spiritual journey of Prophet Musa (as). In the Quran, it is mentioned that when Prophet Musa (as) asked to see Allah, he was directed to look at the mountain. When Allah manifested His glory on the mountain, it turned to dust, and Prophet Musa (as) fell unconscious. Upon regaining consciousness, he declared his repentance and faith.
This incident signifies the deep spiritual quest of Prophet Musa (as) to witness the reality of what he was hearing. It also highlights the understanding that Allah speaks only to the heart of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and Prophet Musa (as) was seeking to reach towards these divine realities with utmost certainty.
The Naat reflects on the moment when Prophet Musa (as) became Muhammadiyun, meaning he met his Rabb (Lord) and declared his submission and faith. It emphasizes the spiritual journey and the desire to witness the divine reality, which ultimately leads to complete submission and faith in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
In essence, the Naat “Tell us what Prophet Musa really saw” encapsulates the spiritual journey of Prophet Musa (as) and his yearning to witness the divine reality, ultimately leading to complete submission and faith in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
May Allah (ﷻ) grant us the understanding and love for the spiritual journey of the prophets and enable us to follow their example. Ameen.
It is important to approach such spiritual matters with reverence and humility, seeking to deepen our understanding and connection with the divine teachings. May Allah (ﷻ) guide us on the path of truth and wisdom.

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