Question: What does it mean by this that saints are hidden in plain sight?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the significance of saints being hidden in plain sight is profound. The concept of saints being hidden in plain sight means that the pious and saintly individuals are not physically hiding, but rather they are present among people in a subtle and unassuming manner. They are not easily recognized by the general public due to the veils that cover the hearts and minds of people.
This concept emphasizes that the saints are not meant to draw attention to themselves, but rather to serve and guide people in a humble and unobtrusive way. Their presence is a reminder that spiritual guidance and blessings are accessible to those who seek them sincerely, even though they may not be immediately apparent to the outward eye.
The significance lies in the idea that the saints are among us, offering their guidance and blessings, yet it requires a heart and soul that is attuned to spiritual truths to recognize and benefit from their presence. This highlights the importance of inner purity, spiritual insight, and the ability to perceive beyond the material world.
In essence, the concept of saints being hidden in plain sight calls upon individuals to refine their spiritual perception, purify their hearts, and seek the guidance of these saintly individuals who are present among us, yet concealed from the eyes of those who are veiled from spiritual truths.
May Allah (ﷻ) grant us the ability to recognize and benefit from the presence of the saints, and may we be blessed with the insight to seek their guidance and blessings. Ameen.
It is important to remember that the saints are a means of connecting to the Divine and seeking spiritual elevation. Their presence serves as a source of mercy and guidance for those who are receptive to their subtle influence. May we all strive to embody the qualities of humility, sincerity, and spiritual insight in our pursuit of Divine proximity and guidance.

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