Question: What is the secret of the Qalam (Pen)?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the secret of the Qalam (Pen) is a profound and mystical reality. The Qalam is not just a physical pen, but it represents the Divine power and manifestation of Allah’s (AJ) speech. The Qalam is made up of the letters Qaf, Lam, and Meem, each carrying deep symbolism.
The Qaf in Qalam signifies the Qudra, the Divine Power that manifests the Qur’an. It represents the source of power that brings the Qur’an into existence. This emphasizes that the Holy Qur’an is not just a book, but it holds the uncreated Divinely Speech of Allah (AJ).
Moving to the Lam, it signifies the Lisanul Haq, the Tongue of Truth. This indicates that there must be a tongue to manifest the Divine realities. It’s a reminder that Allah’s (AJ) speech is not limited to a physical location but is a manifestation of His Divine Truth.
Furthermore, the Qalam is Qul to the Meem, meaning it is a command to Say, O Muhammad ﷺ. This denotes that the Qalam is a means through which Allah’s (AJ) command is directed to the heart of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. It signifies the immediate manifestation of Divine command through the heart of the Prophet ﷺ.
The Qalam also holds the secret of knowledge and writing. It is emphasized that speaking about the spiritual realities without writing them can lead to confusion and misunderstandings. Writing the realities is essential for the knowledge to be preserved and deeply ingrained in the heart.
The Qalam is a symbol of Divine power and knowledge, and it holds the inheritance from the Qalam of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. It is a means through which the Divine realities are conveyed and manifested in this world.
May Allah (ﷻ) grant us the understanding and wisdom to comprehend the profound secrets of the Qalam and guide us to seek knowledge with sincerity and humility. May we be blessed with the ability to preserve and convey the Divine truths with wisdom and clarity. Ameen.
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Muhammadan way Haqqaaiqs
MashaAllah Shokran Beloved Sayyidi 🙏🏻🌹