Question: SHAYKH why the spiritual path is so lonely
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the spiritual path is often a lonely journey because it’s uniquely designed for each person. Just as Sayyidina Yusuf (AS) was isolated in the well, our individual paths require isolation for the opening of unique realities. This isolation is a form of training without interference. It’s a time to perfect oneself for the benefit of others. The process involves deep self-reflection, spiritual practices, and meditation. This may lead to feeling isolated from friends and family as their influences can interfere with the spiritual progress. Furthermore, the spiritual path involves being taken out of one’s comfort zone and being tested with seclusion to allow for inner growth and refinement. It’s a reminder that each person’s reality is a unique journey, and patience is required in perfecting oneself. Ultimately, this loneliness is part of the training to become a source of benefit and guidance to others. Therefore, embrace this period of seclusion as a time to build oneself spiritually and fulfill the purpose of one’s existence. May Allah grant you strength and steadfastness on this noble path.

Yolla Fanina
Beautiful subhanallah