Question: What is the benefit of taking notes during the Shaykh’s (Q) Sohbat?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), taking notes during the Shaykh’s Sohbat is a means of documenting the Heavenly realities and wisdom being imparted. When you document these spiritual knowledge’s, you are like an honorable scribe, inheriting knowledge from Sultan ul-Awliya, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, and his representatives. This act of documenting is a way of grafting the Realities of the Saints onto yourself, like a farmer planting seeds of Realities. It is a tremendous blessing and a means of manifesting Heavenly treasures for your soul.
The act of note-taking during the Sohbat is a way of aligning your light with the Prophetic light, and it is designed to open a Heavenly purpose for your life. By documenting the realities of Sayedena Muhammad (ﷺ), you are ensuring that these Heavenly teachings are preserved and eternally dressing your soul. This act of service through note-taking is a means of honoring the angels who record your deeds and will lead to your honor on the Day of Judgment.
In essence, note-taking during the Shaykh’s Sohbat is a way of manifesting the reality of the Lord’s Prayer and aligning your light with the Prophetic light. It is a means of seeking knowledge with humility and sincerity, and it allows you to internalize and reflect upon the teachings at a deeper level.
May Allah bless your efforts in seeking knowledge and grant you the ability to apply these Heavenly teachings in your life. Remember to approach the Shaykh’s Sohbat with humility and a sincere intention to benefit from the wisdom being shared. May your note-taking be a means of spiritual growth and enlightenment.

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