Question: What is the reality of the moon always following the sun?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the reality of the moon always following the sun holds deep spiritual significance. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah uses the analogy of the sun and the moon to teach us about submission, leadership, and the relationship between the two luminaries.
The sun represents superior light and eternal leadership, while the moon symbolizes submission and the act of following. The moon’s duty is to follow the sun without trying to overtake it. This relationship is beautifully described in Surat YaSeen (36:40) where Allah mentions that the sun and the moon do not overtake each other, each following its own course.
The moon’s role is to reflect the light of the sun, just as our spiritual path teaches us to cleanse ourselves and empty our egos to reflect the divine light. The moon’s fullness represents perfection and the importance of following the example of the sun without trying to confuse each other’s roles.
In the context of spirituality, the sun represents the light of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and the moon represents his companions and the righteous saints (awliya). Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, the companions and saints reflect the light of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, guiding and nurturing the spiritual growth of the ummah.
Therefore, the significance of the moon always following the sun is a profound reminder for us to empty ourselves, cleanse our hearts, and follow the example of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his righteous companions. By doing so, we reflect the divine light and guidance, leading to spiritual perfection and closeness to Allah.
May Allah grant us the wisdom to follow the example of the moon and the sun, and may He illuminate our hearts with the light of His beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Ameen.
It’s important to remember that in the teachings of Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the moon and the sun serve as powerful symbols to guide us on our spiritual journey, reminding us to perfect our character and follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his righteous companions.

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