Question: The significance of giving the adhan in the ear of a newborn
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), giving the Adhan in the ear of a newborn holds great significance in Islamic tradition. It is a beautiful and meaningful practice that has deep spiritual and symbolic implications.
When a newborn baby enters the world, the first sound they hear is the call to prayer, the Adhan. This act is a confirmation that sound and hearing are far superior to sight. The soul of the newborn is comforted by the call to prayer, signifying that it has come to a Muslim household and is reminded that it has come from Allah and must one day return to Allah.
The Adhan is a reminder to the newborn that it has come from Allah and is a part of the Muslim community. It is a beautiful way to initiate the newborn into the Muslim faith and to instill the remembrance of Allah from the very beginning of their life.
In Islamic tradition, the first sound that reaches the ears of a newborn is the call of the Adhan, affirming the importance of sound and hearing. This practice is a way of welcoming the newborn into the Muslim community and reminding them of their connection to Allah.
May Allah bless the newborn and their family, and may the sound of the Adhan always resonate in their hearts, guiding them on the path of faith and righteousness. Ameen.
And remember, dear parent, to raise the child with love, compassion, and the teachings of Islam, nurturing them to be a source of goodness and light in the world.

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