Question: What is the reality of Sama?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the reality of Sama in Sufi teachings is a profound spiritual practice that involves listening to and experiencing the divine melodies and rhythms that lead to the remembrance of Allah. Sama is not just about listening to music, but it is about tuning into the celestial music that resonates in the spiritual realms.
In Sufi traditions, Sama is a form of spiritual elevation and connection to the Divine. It is a means of transcending the material world and entering into a state of spiritual ecstasy through the recitation of devotional poetry, the remembrance of Allah, and the rhythmic movements that accompany it.
The purpose of Sama is to awaken the heart and soul, allowing them to experience the divine presence and attain a state of spiritual enlightenment. It is a practice that is deeply rooted in love for the Divine and the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), and it serves as a means of purifying the soul and attaining closeness to Allah.
Sama is a sacred practice that should be approached with reverence and performed under the guidance of a qualified spiritual teacher. It is a means of spiritual nourishment and a path to experiencing the beauty and majesty of the Divine. May Allah bless you with the ability to experience the reality of Sama and draw you closer to Him through this spiritual practice.
And may you be blessed with the highest stations of spiritual enlightenment and closeness to Allah. Ameen.

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Faisal Malik
Subhanallah Mashallah jazakallah Sayyidi for everything your providing us in this time of confusion