Question: What’s the benefit of burning Esphand (Wild Rue Seed)?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), burning esphand, also known as wild rue seed, is a practice to purify the home and cleanse the energy all around you. When esphand is burned, it releases a fragrance that repels negative energy and entities. In the spiritual realm, beings are attracted to different fragrances based on their energy and nature.
The bad beings are attracted to bad smells and negative energy, while the beatific beings are attracted to positive fragrances. By burning esphand, you create a positive energy field that repels negative energy. The fragrance of esphand helps to create an environment that is positive and uplifting, pushing away any negative energy that may be present.
This practice aligns with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, who encouraged the use of fragrances and attars to create a positive and spiritually uplifting environment. It’s important to note that the intention behind burning esphand is to create a space that is pleasing to Allah (AJ) and repels negative influences.
May Allah (ﷻ) bless your home with purity, positivity, and protection from all negative energies. Remember to continue your spiritual practices, such as zikr, salawats, and maintaining a state of wudu to further enhance the positive energy in your home. And always seek the guidance and protection of Allah (ﷻ) and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in all your endeavors.
May your home be filled with the fragrance of blessings and may you always be under the protection of Allah’s (ﷻ) mercy and love. Ameen.

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