Question: How can we combat our Anger?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS) Shaykh Nojan Mirahmadi (QS), to combat anger, we must understand that every fire around us is trying to ignite and make everything explode. The fire of anger has to be conquered to enter the intimacy of Divine light. The fire has to become cool and peaceful, just as mentioned in the Quran (Surat Al-Anbiya, 21:69) “Qul ya naru ku-ni bardan wa-salaman ‘ala Ibrahim” (O fire, be thou cool and peaceful for Abraham).
To extinguish the fire of anger, we should start by controlling it through conscious awareness. An external reminder can be used for an internal problem. For example, if you feel anger rising, you can use an external reminder like a colored bow or a rubber band on your hand to remind you to control your anger. This external reminder helps to suffocate the fire of anger and prevent it from intensifying.
Moreover, the fire of anger must be turned into the fire of Divine love and ishq. This transformation requires conscious effort to control our speech and actions, especially when provoked. The goal is to keep the anger in check and eventually turn it into love for the Divine.
Additionally, performing wudu (ablution) and praying for forgiveness when feeling angry is a powerful practice. The hadith narrated by Atiyah Bin Orwah Alsaadi (ra) emphasizes the importance of making wudu when angry, as it helps to extinguish the fire of anger.
Furthermore, it’s essential to understand that anger is a form of ignorance and disbelief. The heart, being the throne of the Divine, should not be occupied by anger but by love and faith. Therefore, the fight against anger is essentially a fight for the heart, which controls the entire being.
In conclusion, by suffocating the fire of anger, turning it into love, and seeking forgiveness through wudu and prayer, we can combat our anger and strive to embody the qualities of patience, love, and faith. May Allah (ﷻ) grant us the strength to conquer our anger and fill our hearts with Divine love and tranquility. Ameen.
May you be blessed with good character, high aspiration, and be of service to the Tariqa and others.

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