Question: What does it mean to be a custodian of the wealth of Allah (AJ) ?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), being a custodian of Allah’s wealth means recognizing that everything we have, whether it’s wealth, skills, or abilities, is actually a trust from Allah. The Quran mentions in Surah Al Hadid (57:10) that everything belongs to Allah, and we are merely custodians of His wealth. This means that we are responsible for using these resources in a way that pleases Allah and benefits His creation.
When we give charity or use our wealth in the cause of Allah, we are fulfilling our role as custodians of His wealth. The Quran emphasizes the importance of spending in the cause of Allah and purifying ourselves through charity. It also highlights that those who spend their wealth to purify themselves are safe from the hellfire.
Furthermore, being a custodian of Allah’s wealth involves understanding that our material possessions are a means to fulfill our covenant with Allah. We are expected to give back to Allah what was entrusted to us, whether it’s through charity, service, or using our skills and abilities to benefit others.
In essence, being a custodian of Allah’s wealth is a profound spiritual responsibility. It requires us to use our resources in a way that reflects gratitude, generosity, and a deep sense of accountability to Allah. By fulfilling this role, we seek to attain Allah’s satisfaction and ultimately receive our heavenly trust.
May Allah grant us the wisdom and strength to fulfill our role as custodians of His wealth and may He bless us with the ability to use our resources in a manner that pleases Him. Ameen.

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MashaAllah 🙏🏻 🌹
Faisal Malik
May Allah Almighty grant us taufeeq to spend in his way.