Question: What’s the significance of Rajab lentil and dates diet?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi Shaykh Nojan Mirahmadi (QS), the Rajab lentil and dates diet holds great significance in the spiritual practices of this blessed month. The lentil diet is a 40-day regimen, starting from the first day of Rajab and ending on the 10th day of Sha’ban. This diet is not about mere sustenance but rather about controlling the ego and desires related to food pleasure.
The lentil diet is a form of spiritual training and discipline, prescribed for those seeking to purify their hearts and elevate their spiritual energies. By limiting the diet to lentils, bread, dates, and tea or coffee without any animal products, it helps individuals realize the extent to which they rely on food for pleasure and sustenance. This realization is a means of breaking the attachment to food and redirecting the focus towards spiritual energies and Divine remembrance.
The lentil diet is often associated with seclusions, where individuals are given this diet to facilitate the cleaning and purification of the heart. It is a way to reduce the importance placed on food and to increase one’s zeal for spiritual practices such as zikr and awrads. The diet is not about extreme deprivation but rather about training and discipline, following the example of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the teachings of the awliya.
During the lentil diet, individuals may experience a significant drop in the desire to eat, leading to a deeper understanding of the importance of food in their lives. It serves as a means of training the nafs (ego) and developing self-discipline. The diet is a way to traverse towards spiritual realities and to break the attachment to earthly desires.
In essence, the Rajab lentil and dates diet is a means of spiritual training, discipline, and purification. It is an opportunity to imitate the practices of the awliya and seek the immense blessings and lights associated with the blessed month of Rajab. May Allah (ﷻ) grant us the strength and determination to engage in these spiritual practices and elevate our souls during this blessed month.
May Allah (ﷻ) bless you with the ability to embrace the spiritual significance of the Rajab lentil and dates diet and grant you success in your spiritual journey. May you be adorned with the lights and blessings of this blessed month and be of service to the Tariqa and others. Your support to Tariqa is incredibly valuable, and if it’s within your means, consider aiding the noble cause at Every bit counts.
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