Question: How does the iron in the blood facilitate spiritual energy?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the iron in the blood plays a significant role in facilitating spiritual energy. The iron within the human system is essential for maintaining control over one’s magnetic field and moving towards human potential. It is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an that iron is a heavenly element, and it is crucial to acquire control over this magnetic field and the iron in one’s system to manifest one’s true capacity.
The spiritual seeker can learn valuable insights from the physical reality of magnetism and the iron in the blood. The iron in one’s blood is charged with energy, and spiritual attraction or magnetism is based on the Light of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The essence of the Light of the Prophet (S) is naturally attractive and seeks unity. When one is in the presence of a Saint who has completely manifested the Light of the Prophet (S), the soul feels naturally attracted towards them, seeking unity and recognizing the source from where it came.
The purification of blood is essential as it is the primary repository for iron within the human system. Women have a natural cycle through monthly blood loss that eliminates negative iron from their system. Men, on the other hand, tend to suffer more from the effects of iron overload. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recommended cupping, or blood-letting, for men to control iron levels. This practice is essential for maintaining and building upon purity, and it is crucial for seekers and spiritual aspirants to pay attention to their food intake and maintain purity.
The iron within the blood facilitates spiritual energy by being a vehicle for divine energy to attach itself to the iron within the body. This divine energy moves within the body, heating the moisture and changing the whole being. The heart, being the house of Allah, plays a crucial role in stamping the divine energy upon the blood, which then nourishes the essential organs of the body.
In summary, the iron in the blood serves as a vehicle for divine energy, and its purification and maintenance are essential for facilitating spiritual energy and maintaining spiritual health.
May Allah bless you with spiritual insight and purity of heart, and may you always be guided towards the path of spiritual enlightenment and closeness to Him. Ameen.

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Beautiful website. Althought i use i never came across this page..mashaALLAH so many different questions to read and learn..may ALLAH AZZAWAJAL dress you and bless you eternally respected seyyidi with the best of everything..ameen
ZikrCircles Smc
SubhanAllah, Ameen🙏🏼✨🌹
Muhammadan way Haqqaaiqs
SubhanAllah 🌹