Question: What happens to the souls of the innocents who are martyred across the Muslim world?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the souls of innocent people who have passed away due to calamities or other reasons are deeply related to Imam Mahdi (AS). When a soul departs due to calamity, it is considered to be cleansed and free from worldly bonds. These souls, if they have belief, are granted the status of martyrs. They are not confined and are waiting for guidance from the kingdom of their Lord.
Imam Mahdi (AS) is described as having unseen support from many souls, including the innocent and martyred. These souls, having been cleansed and freed from worldly attachments, become a source of unseen support for Imam Mahdi (AS). Their lights and blessings are granted to reach the reality of Imam Mahdi (AS), and they become lights of guidance that inspire and guide humanity.
The souls of innocent people, having been cleansed and freed, are instrumental in ushering an immense awakening on earth, supporting the mission of Imam Mahdi (AS). They are not confined and continue to inspire and guide their loved ones and descendants towards the reality of Imam Mahdi (AS).
May Allah (ﷻ) elevate the status of these innocent souls and grant them peace and blessings. May we all strive to embody the noble qualities they represent and be of service to the Tariqa and others.

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Abdunasser Ali