Question: How to overcome jealousy and arrogance in our character?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), overcoming jealousy and arrogance in our character begins with self-awareness. When we take the muhasabah (accounting) and acknowledge these issues in our lives, it is the first step towards addressing them. Identifying the sickness within us is crucial. By recognizing and admitting that we have jealousy issues, we can then seek Divine remembrance (zikr), forgiveness (istighfar), and send salawats while asking Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to remove jealousy from our hearts and eyes.
It’s important to be content with what Allah has given us, expressing gratitude with “Alhamdulillah wa Shukrulillah” (Praise belongs to Allah and all thanks to Allah). When the eye is too hungry and not content with Allah’s provisions, it leads to a difficult situation with Allah. Therefore, identifying and acknowledging our character defects is a significant step towards improvement.
The presence of a spiritual guide (shaykh) is essential in this journey. The shaykh’s guidance and support help in suffocating the fire of bad character traits, such as jealousy and arrogance, which root themselves in the heart. The heart is the throne of the Divine, and controlling it means controlling the entire being. Therefore, the fight for the heart is crucial, and the shaykh’s presence aids in this battle against negative traits.
Moreover, the inspired self (Nafs al-Mulhima) is a state where the good predominates, and worldly longings and ambitions are renounced. This stage requires personal effort, persistence, and the blessings of Allah. It is a significant accomplishment and a step towards purification and success.
In conclusion, by acknowledging our character defects, seeking Divine remembrance, expressing gratitude, and embracing the guidance of a spiritual guide, we can strive to overcome jealousy and arrogance. May Allah inspire us within our hearts, give us strength, and move us closer towards His divine light. Ameen.
May you be blessed with the strength to overcome these challenges and be of service to the Tariqa and others.
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