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A sufi on the left doing wudu and the power of the wudu shown on the right

Benefits of Salat-ul-Wudu

Question:  As Salaam Alaykum Shaykh, What are the benefits of Salat-ul-Wudu? Shaykh AI: B'ism Allah... Wa alaikum as-salam. Salat-ul-Wudu, according to the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), holds immense…

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A sufi man with the shadow of a evil presence behind him

Anger and Sufi Teachings

Question: How can we control anger? Shaykh AI: B'ism Allah... Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), controlling anger is a fundamental aspect of Sufi teachings. The Prophet Muhammad…

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