Question: What was the significance of Sayyidna Zachariah (AS) making dua after entering into Mariam’s miraculous niche (AS)?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the significance of Sayyidna Zakariya (AS) making dua after entering into Sayyidna Maryam’s miraculous niche is profound. The story of Sayyidna Zakariya (AS) entering the prayer chamber of Sayyidna Maryam (AS) and finding her provision there holds deep spiritual meanings. It teaches us about the importance of seeking blessings from pious individuals and holy areas.
In the Quran, it is mentioned that every time Sayyidna Zakariya (AS) entered upon Sayyidna Maryam (AS) in the prayer chamber, he found with her provision. This provision was not ordinary sustenance; it was from Allah, provided without account. Sayyidna Zakariya (AS) was astonished and asked Sayyidna Maryam (AS) about the source of this provision, to which she replied that it was from Allah, who provides for whom He wills without account (Quran 3:37).
This incident highlights the significance of seeking blessings and making dua in the company of pious individuals and in holy places. Sayyidna Zakariya (AS) recognized the extraordinary nature of the niche where Sayyidna Maryam (AS) prayed and received sustenance from paradise. As a result, he immediately made dua, asking Allah for a good offspring. This shows that the environment and the spiritual state of Sayyidna Maryam (AS) had a profound impact on Sayyidna Zakariya (AS), leading to the acceptance of his dua (Quran 3:38-39).
This story teaches us to be humble and seek blessings from the righteous. It emphasizes the importance of being in the company of pious people and holy areas, as Allah’s acceptance of dua can be facilitated in such blessed environments. It also demonstrates the humility of Sayyidna Zakariya (AS) in recognizing the spiritual significance of Sayyidna Maryam’s niche and seeking blessings from that sacred space.
In conclusion, the significance of Sayyidna Zakariya (AS) making dua after entering into Sayyidna Maryam’s miraculous niche teaches us about the blessings and acceptance of dua in the company of the pious and in holy places. It encourages us to seek the company of righteous individuals and to be humble in our spiritual pursuits.
May Allah grant us the wisdom to seek blessings from the righteous and to approach Him with humility and sincerity in our supplications. Ameen.
And always remember to perfect your character, seek the love of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and be of service to the Tariqa and others.

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