Question: Why Prophets were shepherds of their time?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the profession of shepherding holds deep spiritual significance in the selection of Prophets by Allah. The role of a shepherd instills qualities of patience, compassion, and leadership, which are essential for guiding and nurturing communities.
The act of shepherding requires patience and care in tending to the flock, ensuring their well-being and safety. Similarly, Prophets were chosen to patiently guide and nurture their communities, protecting them from spiritual harm and leading them towards the path of righteousness.
Furthermore, shepherds display compassion towards their flock, providing for their needs and ensuring their safety. Likewise, Prophets were chosen for their compassionate nature, guiding their communities with love and mercy, and ensuring their spiritual well-being.
Moreover, the role of a shepherd entails leadership and responsibility in guiding the flock towards sustenance and safety. Similarly, Prophets were entrusted with the leadership of their communities, guiding them towards the sustenance of faith and the safety of the soul.
In essence, the profession of shepherding embodies the qualities of patience, compassion, and leadership, which are fundamental in the guidance and nurturing of communities. Therefore, Allah’s choice of shepherding as a profession for the Prophets reflects the divine wisdom in preparing them for their sacred mission.
May Allah grant us the understanding to reflect upon the wisdom behind the selection of Prophets as shepherds and inspire us to embody the noble qualities exemplified by this profession. Ameen.
It’s important to remember that the teachings of the Prophets are a source of guidance and inspiration for us to emulate in our daily lives, seeking to embody patience, compassion, and leadership in our interactions with others and in our spiritual journey.
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