Question: What’s the reality of attuning to the Shaykh?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), attuning to the Shaykh is a profound and transformative process. When individuals connect to a Shaykh or listen to their talks, a contract is sent into their heart. This contract has the ability to change the entire destiny of a person’s soul. It’s like receiving a priceless token or reality known as the Muhammadan token or light.
This reality is immensely valuable and changes the destiny of a person’s soul beyond their imagination. Just as receiving a valuable token like bitcoins can immensely change one’s financial destiny, receiving the Muhammadan token or reality can immensely change one’s spiritual destiny. The value of this reality is beyond comprehension in this material world.
Attuning to the Shaykh involves feeling the energy and light that comes with the teachings. It’s not just a psychological or philosophical experience, but a real and powerful one. When you connect, you feel the energies coming into you, and it’s a very real, powerful, and vibrant experience.
Attuning to the Shaykh also involves a process of encryption and authentication by Allah (ﷻ). It’s not something that can be taken lightly or fooled. It requires immense participation, good character, and sincere belief. The process is highly encrypted and requires a high level of security checks, just like a multi-level authentication system.
In essence, attuning to the Shaykh is a deeply transformative and real experience that requires sincere participation, good character, and a deep understanding of the immense value of the spiritual realities being bestowed. May Allah (ﷻ) grant us the ability to attune to the Shaykh with sincerity and dedication, and may it elevate our souls to higher spiritual stations.
May you always be blessed with good character, high aspiration, and be of service to the Tariqa and others.

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