Question: What exactly is Haqqiqat al Tawajjuh?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), Haqqiqat al Tawajjuh, or the Reality of Directing to the Divinely Face, is a profound spiritual concept in Sufism. It signifies the deep connection and focus on the Divine Face, which is the source of all power and guidance. When a student reaches this reality, they are taught to seek nothing in life but the Holy Face, as everything else is considered a distraction.
The training in Haqqiqat al Tawajjuh involves learning to connect with the Holy Face and seeking refuge from everything except the Holy Face. This training aims to help the student understand that they are nothing, leading to the annihilation of the ego and the strengthening of their spiritual connection.
As the student progresses in this reality, they are trained to connect with the face of power, receiving emanations from the face onto their soul. This connection allows them to convey their concerns and needs back to the Divine through the power of their soul.
In essence, Haqqiqat al Tawajjuh is a journey of deep spiritual connection, annihilation of the ego, and seeking refuge in the Divine Face, leading to a profound transformation of the self and a strong connection to the Divine power. May Allah grant us the ability to understand and embody these profound spiritual realities.
May Allah bless you with a deep understanding of these spiritual concepts and guide you on the path of spiritual growth and enlightenment. Ameen.

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SubhanAllah – please Heart above