Question: What is the reality of sleeping with your head covered
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the reality of sleeping with your head covered is deeply rooted in the understanding of energy and spiritual protection. When you sleep, it is a time when negative energies and attacks are more prevalent. By covering your head, you are safeguarding the crown of Creation, which is your head, from these negative energies.
The Sunnah of covering your head while sleeping is a means of protection, as it creates a shield of energy emanating from the heart, which is a tremendous protection for human beings. The heart is where the light of the Divine emanates, and all the good actions such as Zikr, prayer, and charity reinforce the light within the heart, making it a force field of protection.
Sleeping on your back is recommended as it allows the shield of protection from the heart to encompass your entire body. If you need to move to your side, sleeping on the right side is preferable as it maintains the shield of protection from the heart. However, sleeping on the left side or on the stomach weakens this energy and protection.
It is important to understand that the teachings of the body are meant to perfect the soul within. Therefore, the practices recommended by Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) are aimed at saving the soul from negative influences and attacks during sleep.
In addition to covering your head, it is advised to make Wudu (ablution) before sleeping, recite specific verses from the Holy Qur’an, and maintain a state of spiritual cleanliness. This includes keeping the body covered with appropriate clothing and reciting protective prayers.
May Allah (ﷻ) grant you protection and peace during your sleep, and may you be blessed with the strength to uphold these spiritual practices. Remember to seek the love of the Prophet (ﷺ), perfect your character, and be of service to the Tariqa and others.

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Mohammed Shafiq
Alhamdulliah… Invaluable advice that should be acted upon to help defend ourselves from negative energy. JKH
Yolla Fanina
Subhanallah jazakallah khayr
Alhumdulilah for these knowledges. May Allah (SWT) protect us from negative energies while we sleep. Ameen.