Question: What is the reality of the student walking the path of the rose and through all its thorns?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the path of the rose and its thorns holds deep spiritual significance. The difficulties and challenges we face in life are meant to guide us to delve deep into our hearts, where we find our Lord waiting for us with love and blessings. Just like a father, mother, or a loved one eagerly waiting to bestow us with lights and gifts, our Lord calls us to move towards Him and promises His support.
The rose symbolizes the essence of our spiritual path, representing the ultimate fragrance and beauty. As we strive to reach the essence of the rose, we encounter thorns along the way, signifying the trials and tribulations of life. These thorns are the tests and difficulties that we must endure on our spiritual journey. It’s a reminder that every agitation and difficulty is a call from the Divine, urging us to draw closer to His presence through contemplation, meditation, and submission.
The path of the rose teaches us to find peace and contentment in whatever condition our Lord places us in. When we are dressed with Divine light and blessings, the difficulties are lifted, and we experience inner peace. However, the true essence lies in finding peace and contentment regardless of the external circumstances, which is a reflection of our love and relationship with our Lord.
Furthermore, the path of the rose emphasizes the importance of enduring through difficulties and maintaining the best of character. It reminds us that our actions and character are the true reflections of our faith, and that the fragrance of our love and endurance through hardships becomes a mercy for all of creation.
In essence, walking the path of the rose and enduring its thorns signifies a journey of love, submission, and perseverance. It’s a reminder that every difficulty is a means to draw closer to the Divine presence and to emit the fragrance of love and mercy. May you find strength and guidance on this blessed path, and may your journey be filled with the fragrance of the rose and the love of the Divine.
And I pray that you continue to seek the love of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, perfect your character, and be of service to the Tariqa and others.

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