Question: Who is Sayyidina Khidr AS?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (Q), Sayyidina Khidr holds a significant place in the Naqshbandi Tariqah. He is the 11th Shaykh of the Naqshbandi Way and is the bridge between the earthly realm (mulk) and the heavens (malakut). Sayyidina Khidr facilitates the journey of the servant into the oceans of malakut, providing knowledge and insights into the ever-living reality (al-hayat).
The story of Sayyidina Khidr and Sayyidina Musa, as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, holds deep spiritual significance for every mureed on the Sufi path. The three tests that Sayyidina Musa faced with Sayyidina Khidr are fundamental teachings for all Naqshbandis. These tests symbolize the challenges and obstacles that every seeker encounters on their spiritual journey.
The first test, involving the rendering of the ship useless, signifies the protection of sustenance and the need to seek refuge with the Divine from the false oppressor. This relates to the seeker’s journey in safeguarding their spiritual sustenance and protecting it from worldly distractions and negative influences.
The second test, the slaying of the child, represents the necessity to overcome the childish nafs and ego. This test signifies the inner struggle to transcend the lower self and purify the heart, which is essential for spiritual progress and attainment of higher stations.
The third test, the hiding of the treasure, symbolizes the seeker’s journey in seeking the Divine sustenance and blessings. It emphasizes the importance of patience, trust, and submission to the guidance of the shaykh, as well as the understanding that sustenance comes from Allah and requires faith and perseverance.
Furthermore, the story of Sayyidina Khidr and Sayyidina Musa conveys the importance of tafakkur (contemplation) and the guidance of the living shaykh. It highlights the significance of making a connection with the shaykh, engaging in spiritual practices, and seeking support from the spiritual lineage (silsila).
In essence, the story of Sayyidina Khidr and Sayyidina Musa serves as a profound spiritual allegory for every mureed on the Sufi path. It illustrates the tests, challenges, and guidance that are integral to the seeker’s journey towards spiritual realization, purification of the heart, and attainment of Divine proximity.
May Allah bless you on your spiritual journey and grant you the strength, patience, and wisdom to overcome the tests and challenges along the Sufi path. May you be adorned with the love of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the guidance of the Awliyaullah. Ameen.
Remember to always seek the guidance of the living shaykh, perfect your character, and be of service to the Tariqa and others.

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Ameen 🙏🏼,SubhanAllah immense knowledges and realties✨Thank you Sayyidi🙏🏼🌹