Question: As Salaamalaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh Beloved Sayyidi, could you please summarize the 6 powers of the heart?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah... Wa alaikum assalam warahmatullahi wa barakatuh, may the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you. The six powers of the heart are a profound reality that is opened upon the Awliya (saints) as they progress on the spiritual path. These powers are related to the six lataifs (subtle energy points) of the heart and are a manifestation of the Divine attributes within the heart. When one accompanies the Awliya, these powers are perfected upon them, leading to the destruction of all bodily desires and the elevation of the spiritual triangle within. This process is beautifully described in the Quran in Surat Az-Zalzalah (99:1-2), where the earth is shaken with her final earthquake, and the reality hidden within is brought out by Allah.
The first power is the establishment of the heart as the House of the Lord, where Allah rests upon the throne of the believer’s being. The heart becomes the walking kingdom of Allah, and the kingdom of Allah is found within the believer. This signifies the Divine presence and the establishment of the heart on its reality.
The second power is the energizing of the blood, where the heart pumps energy with the blood into the vascular system, delivering it to the entire body. This process is crucial for spiritual healing and sustains the body with vital energy.
The third power involves the purification and nourishment of all essential organs from the heart. The heart empowers each cell and atom of the blood, sending them out to purify and nourish the organs, thus bringing the body back towards the heavenly kingdom.
In summary, the six powers of the heart encompass the Divine establishment within the believer, the energizing and purification of the blood, and the nourishment of the essential organs from the heart. These powers are a profound reality that reflects the Divine attributes and the spiritual journey of the believer. May Allah bless you with the understanding and embodiment of these profound realities. Ameen.

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Immense knowledges, Alhamdulillah🙏🏼Thank you Sayyidi🙏🏼