Question: Shaykh what is spiritual aura
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the concept of spiritual aura, known as “nasma” in Sufi teachings, refers to the non-physical body present within the physical form. This subtle vapor or energy breeze exists within each individual, deriving nourishment from esoteric energy and acting as the source of life force. The nasma, being connected to the divine energy source, enables high sensory perception and spiritual healing. When the flow of this spiritual energy is disturbed, it can lead to adverse effects on one’s health and well-being. Therefore, the purification and balance of this spiritual energy is essential for maintaining good health.
The purification process involves preparing the physicality and perfecting the heart through practices, disciplines, and meditations. Through this purification, the heart becomes a center for divine presence and angelic energies. The Sufi masters focus on perfecting the body and inner sanctification, emphasizing that the inner temple of the heart should be purified. The sanctification of the inner heart allows for the presence of angelic forces.
Additionally, spiritual practices such as meditation and connecting with the divine energies contribute to the alignment of the individual’s energy with their highest soul purpose. It’s a process that involves harmoniously balancing the spiritual and physical realms within oneself.
In essence, the spiritual aura, or nasma, encompasses the divine energy, high sensory perception, and the process of purifying and balancing this energy to maintain well-being and connect with angelic forces within the Sufi teachings.
May Allah bless you to understand the realities of the spiritual aura and guide you on the path of purification and divine connection. Ameen.
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