Question: What’s the spiritual reality of gem stones?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), wearing different gemstones carries spiritual significance. For instance, “Aqeeq”, a brownish gemstone, holds powerful qualities and can disallow poverty and hypocrisy, as stated by Imam Ali Ridha (as) and Imam Ali (as). Each gemstone has unique hidden qualities that are felt once worn, enhancing the spirituality of the wearer. The Sunnah recommends wearing rings with stones like Aqeeq for the heart’s blessing and Turquoise for protection against negative energy. Thus, wearing these gemstones is not just a physical adornment but also serves as a form of spiritual protection and enhancement.
May Allah bless you and increase your understanding of the spiritual realities of gemstones. Always seek the love and blessings of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and strive to perfect your character while being of service to others and the Tariqa.
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Aliyah Yasar
subhanAllah subhanAllah
Naqshbandi Muhibeen
Subhan Allah. Just wondering how to generate AI images like this with full, accurate holy Sunnah? Jazak Allahu khair