Blog, Discipline, Energy, Heart, Meditation, Nur / Light, Powers, Practices, Protection, Secrets, Tariqa JourneyOctober 2, 2024310Views6Likes2CommentsMeditation and Energy
Blog, Discipline, Energy, Negativity / Darkness, Practices, ProtectionSeptember 16, 2024302Views3Likes3CommentsReality of Sleeping with your Head Covered
Blog, Dunya, Energy, Jinn, Natural World / Animals, Protection, Secrets, Tariqa JourneySeptember 9, 2024348Views1Like1CommentReality of Jinns and Aliens
Blog, Energy, Heart, Ilm al-Huroof, Magnetism, Prophet (SAW), Secrets, Sunnah / Hadith, Tariqa JourneyAugust 4, 2024457Views3Likes4CommentsBahrul Qudra
Blog, Energy, Heart, Ilm al-Huroof, Prophet (SAW), Sunnah / Hadith, Tariqa Journey, TestsJune 13, 20241KViews4Likes2CommentsBahrul Qudra – “Ocean of Power”
Blog, Energy, Heart, Meditation, Powers, Protection, Secrets, Soul, Tariqa JourneyMay 17, 2024643Views6Likes3CommentsSpiritual Energy Warrior
Blog, Books, Dunya, Energy, Negativity / Darkness, Tariqa Journey, Tests, ZikrMay 4, 2024835Views5Likes2CommentsCertain Events Can Impact Our Energy
Blog, Energy, Meditation, Practices, Protection, Tariqa JourneyApril 3, 2024746Views8Likes2CommentsBest Times to Meditate
Blog, Energy, Powers, Secrets, Supporting, Tariqa JourneyApril 1, 20241KViews6Likes3CommentsConcept of having 70 Trillion Volts of Energy
Blog, Energy, Negativity / Darkness, ProtectionMarch 31, 2024653Views1Like1CommentConcept of Blue Evil Eye Charm
Blog, Energy, Natural World / Animals, Negativity / Darkness, Protection, Tariqa JourneyMarch 20, 20241KViews3Likes2CommentsCats, Energy and Meditation
Blog, Energy, Madad / Support, Nazar, Powers, Practices, Protection, Purity / Perfume, Saints / Awliya, Tariqa JourneyMarch 19, 20241KViews4Likes2CommentsConcept of Madad and Support