Question: Alsalamualaikum, What are the two lights within women?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah... Wa alaikum assalam. From the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the two lights within women are known as An Nur (The Light) and Al Hay (Ever-Living).
An Nur (The Light) represents the divine light that emanates from the heart of a woman, reflecting her spiritual essence and connection with the Divine. This light symbolizes the spiritual illumination and guidance that women carry within them, allowing them to embody qualities of compassion, wisdom, and nurturing love.
Al Hay (Ever-Living) signifies the eternal and ever-living aspect of women’s spiritual nature. It represents the enduring and timeless connection that women have with the Divine, reflecting their ability to bring life, vitality, and spiritual nourishment to their families and communities.
These two lights within women are a source of divine grace and blessing, enabling them to fulfill their roles as caretakers, educators, and spiritual guides within their spheres of influence.
May the two lights within women continue to shine brightly, illuminating the hearts and souls of those around them with love, wisdom, and spiritual guidance. Ameen.

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