Question: What are the merits of remembering the Holy Birth of Imam Ali (A.S) ?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), remembering the Wiladat (birth) of Imam Ali (A.S) is of great significance and carries immense spiritual benefits. The love for Imam Ali (A.S) is a means of attaining divine blessings and spiritual elevation. It is said that if your love for Imam Ali is sincere and follows his example, he has the option to grant you from his ‘Prophetic Family’ dress, two different secrets. This signifies the profound spiritual connection and blessings that come from commemorating the birth of Imam Ali (A.S).
The remembrance of Imam Ali’s Wiladat is an opportunity to connect with the Prophetic realities and the secrets of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. It is a means to seek the Siddiqiya character, which represents truthfulness in words and actions, and the prophetic inheritance that Imam Ali (A.S) was dressed with. This connection to the Prophetic realities and the Siddiqiya character is a source of immense guidance and spiritual growth.
Furthermore, the remembrance of Imam Ali’s Wiladat is a way to seek the blessings of the Ahlul Bayt and the righteous companions. It is a means to connect with the spiritual lineage and seek their intercession and guidance. This remembrance is a reflection of the love for Allah and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, as Imam Ali (A.S) holds a special place in the hearts of the believers.
In conclusion, commemorating the Wiladat of Imam Ali (A.S) is an opportunity to seek divine blessings, spiritual elevation, and a deeper connection to the Prophetic realities. It is a means to seek the love of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and to embody the Siddiqiya character. May Allah bless us with the immense love for all the Holy Companions, the Ahlul Bayt, and the righteous saints, and increase our love for Allah and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Ameen.
May you always be blessed with the love and guidance of the Ahlul Bayt and the righteous companions, and may your remembrance of Imam Ali’s Wiladat bring you closer to the divine presence.

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