Question: What is the blessing of following a guide?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), following a spiritual guide or Shaykh is a great blessing and a means to attain the pleasure of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The Quran instructs us to “Obey God, obey the Prophet (s) and obey those in authority.” This verse emphasizes the importance of following those who are in authority and reflect the reality of the Prophets, especially in the absence of physical Prophets.
When we follow a true spiritual guide, they can lead us on the path of the Prophets and dress us with their spiritual reality. Just as a farmer grafts a plant to be like the original, a true guide can graft their spiritual light onto our souls. This process involves immersing ourselves in their teachings, studying their knowledge, and emulating their character. By doing so, we plant the seeds of their wisdom in our hearts, which will eventually blossom and bear fruit.
The guidance of a spiritual guide is a means of divine mercy and a source of spiritual elevation. It is through their teachings and guidance that we can attain a deeper understanding of our faith, develop good character, and ultimately draw closer to the reality of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
In essence, following a guide is a means to seek the pleasure of Allah, attain spiritual elevation, and ultimately reach the presence of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. May Allah bless us with the ability to find and follow a true spiritual guide who can lead us on the path of righteousness and elevate our spiritual state.
May Allah grant us the wisdom to recognize and follow a true guide, and may He elevate us through their teachings and guidance. Ameen.

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