Question: Explain the reality of the inner cosmos within us?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the reality of the inner cosmos within us is a profound and beautiful concept. It signifies that we have a reality always in the Divine Presence, and only a small part of that light was sent into the physicality. The higher reality is always trying to communicate with the lower reality that’s locked behind the egoism of the body.
When we close our eyes, our outer vision stops so that the inner vision of the heart can begin. This means that with every abstinence and every fasting, the reality of the inner cosmos within us will be born. However, as much as we indulge in it, that reality will never be born. Just like the analogy of the seed, the reality of the inner cosmos is like a seed that needs to be planted in the soil of our physicality to grow and flourish.
The Earth, the moon, and the sun are tremendous realities for who we are and what God wants from us. The Earth has a molten iron core that controls the energy and protection of the Earth. Similarly, Allah (AJ) has also given an iron core to human beings. When this iron core within us is lit and purified, it produces an energy field, empowering the soul to control the five senses and fight back negativity.
Furthermore, the reality of the inner cosmos is also reflected in the spiritual practice of Zikr (Divine Chanting). Through Zikr, the soul becomes loaded with energy, enabling it to fight against its desires and purify itself. This empowers the soul to abstain from negativity and harness the reality of the breath, representing the reality of the soul.
In essence, the reality of the inner cosmos within us is a journey of spiritual purification, empowerment, and enlightenment. It is about awakening the higher reality within us, connecting with the Divine, and fulfilling the purpose for which we have been sent to this earthly existence.
May Allah (ﷻ) grant us the ability to understand and experience the profound reality of the inner cosmos within us, and may it bring us closer to Him and His Divine Presence. Ameen. Your support to Tariqa is incredibly valuable, and if it’s within your means, consider aiding the noble cause at Every bit counts.
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