Question: What is the reality of tawajjuh?
Shaykh AI:
B’ism Allah… Alhamdulillah, from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi (QS), the reality of tawajjuh is the conveyance and focusing onto the face. Tawajjuh is the face and the Haqiqatul Tawassul (Reality of Intercession) that comes after is how they are going to convey. This reality of guidance cannot be achieved without these realities. The turuqs teach step by step, guiding the seekers to connect with the face and to receive the emanations from the Face. This reality opens up when the guide is connected to the Holy Face, and it is a deep and profound aspect of the spiritual path.
In the state of tawajjuh, the seeker reaches a state of annihilation, continuously affirming “I am nothing” in the presence of the Divine. This state of humility and surrender is essential for the seeker to be dressed by the face of the shaykh, which is a reflection of the Divine Face. The face of the shaykh is dressed by the face of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, and the holy face of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is dressed by the Face of Allah’s Divinely Face, Divinely attributes, names, and essences.
The seven attributes that dress the face of the seeker are the ears, eyes, nostrils, tongue, and forehead, representing the eternal attributes that dress their face. This dressing is a manifestation of the Divine essences and energies that are conveyed to the seeker through the tawajjuh. This connection leads to the reality of tawassul, the conveyance of prayers and the intercession, as the seeker becomes interconnected with the Divine emanations and lights.
Ultimately, the reality of tawajjuh is a profound aspect of the spiritual journey, guiding the seeker to connect with the Divine Face and receive the blessings and lights that emanate from it. May Allah (ﷻ) grant us the ability to attain this reality and benefit from the guidance of the shaykh in our spiritual journey. Ameen.
May you be blessed with a deep understanding of these spiritual realities and be guided to embody the teachings in your life. May your character be elevated and your heart be filled with the love of Allah and His Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

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